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Our Lady of Victories Catholic School

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Year Four

Class Teacher: Miss J Dwyer 

(Science and Pupil Premium Lead)

Teaching assistants: Mrs C Boubly and Mrs N Rafiq 

Cover (Tuesday): Mrs B Ball, Madam S Spence and Mrs A Harper

Important information about Year Four

  • Book bags and reading books need to be in school every day. 
  • Please read regularly with your child. We recommend three separate occasions every week. Though, the more you can read with them, the greater the impact on your child's progress. 
  • Times tables are important in Year 4. Children are required to complete a times tables check in the summer term. Times tables have a positive impact on Maths progress in year 4 and above. All children have login details for Edshed (Mathshed) and are aware of how the site works. Please contact me if you need more information. 
  • Our P.E. is Monday. Please ensure that your child has the correct P.E. kit in school. This consists of a white T shirt, blue shorts and black pumps. All items need to be labelled with your child's name. 
  • Please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle in school. They will have access to fill their water bottles up throughout the day. 

Our class saint

Saint Cecilia - the Patron Saint of Music 

Feast day - 22nd November 

Our class prayer

Dear God

Thank you for our friends, our teachers and the people in the school. 

Help us to be brave, resilient and kind. 

Keep everyone safe and keep the classroom as best as it can be. 

Let us build confidence and have the best days of our lives. 

Help us to achieve together in God’s love.



Snow day work


Maths has been added to Edshed. Please login there to complete the challenges. Make sure you practice your times tables. 

Below is an English comprehension. Try your best! You can also have a practice of your spellings. 

Have a look outside. Ask your adults what they would have done in the snow when they were your age. Get as much information as possible!

should the wonka factory be closed down.pdf


mixed questions.pdf