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Our Lady of Victories Catholic School

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The Ark

Class teacher: Mrs R. Los

(Assistant Head, SENCO, Looked after children teacher, PHSE lead)

SEN support staff: Miss M. Cooper, Miss K. Greenwood, Miss R. Spencer

Cover (Monday and alternate Fridays): Mrs B. Ball


Our Rationale
The Ark is a unique morning provision for children who have an EHCP or are on the pathway for one.  It is for children who have significant social communication and interaction needs, and where a bespoke and specialised provision has been recommended.  It will also be used for children who have social, emotional and mental health needs in an afternoon.


We want children to have a curriculum which meets their needs.
We want children to learn, enjoy, be excited and achieve.
To support the sensory needs of all children.
To support the communication needs of all children.
To use an intensive interaction approach.
To help individuals develop a sense of self.
To promote independence.
To provide an individualised and adapted curriculum.


How we will support learning
Our learning will incorporate:
sensory exploration
play exploration with an intensive interaction approach
focus work (1:1, small group work)
shared snack time
access to outdoor play
fine and gross motor development


      Daily movement songs

movement songs.pdf



       Nursery rhymes we are learning

nursery rhymes.pdf