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Our Lady of Victories Catholic School

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


At Our Lady of Victories, we are ambitious for all children whatever their ability or needs.  We want them to learn, enjoy, be excited and achieve.  We want all children to excel and make the most of their God given talents, and have the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers.  We aim to achieve this by removing any barriers to learning and participation and providing all children with quality first teaching in every lesson.  Through appropriate provision, we respect the fact that children

  •  have different needs and aspirations;
  •  require different strategies and approaches for learning;
  •  acquire, assimilate and communicate information in different ways.


  • To work within the guidance laid down in the SEND Code of Practice 2014.
  • To identify and put in place appropriate provision for children who have SEND and additional needs.
  • To operate a whole school approach to the management and provision of support for SEND that takes into account all of a child’s needs (Assess, plan, do, review model).
  • To ensure that parents/carers have a clear understanding of how the school supports children and young people with SEN, and their own involvement in this.
  • To provide an appropriately qualified and experienced SENCO in post who can ensure that the SEN Policy is put into practice.
  • To provide support and advice for all staff working with SEND children.

If you have any questions or concerns about SEND then please get in touch.

R. Los (SENCO) - r.los@olv.bcwcat.co.uk or 01535 607149

 Click here to find out more about Bradford's Local Offer, which provides details about support and advice on a wide range of things.

Please read the following documents for further information about how we support children with special educational needs and or disabilities at Our Lady of Victories

Termly newsletters

 Newsletters are sent out regularly for you to read.  You can read them here too.