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Our Lady of Victories Catholic School

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Our Lady of Victories Early Years Department is made up of two stages – the Nursery Class and the Reception Class. This is housed in a purpose built unit to provide a thorough and carefully designed pre-school education.

As in the main school the first and abiding priority is the education and welfare of each individual child. The curriculum is carefully planned, covering all areas of the development of each child.

The Early Years staff work closely as a team, making sure that all aspects of the child’s development is carefully monitored and a smooth transition into main stream education is ensured. The Early Years department follow the Foundation Curriculum.


Morning Session Commences at 8.30 am
Morning Session Ends at 11.30 am

Afternoon Session Commences at 12.30 pm
Afternoon Session Ends at 3.30 pm

Children must be collected no later than 11.30 am and 3.30pm respectively.

As the children progress into mainstream school i.e. Reception Class, hours are as for the main school

The nursery teacher makes a home visit in order to meet the children in familiar surroundings before the child starts in nursery.


Admission to nursery does not guarantee a place in the main school

Admission to main school does not guarantee a place in the Holy Family Catholic High School.