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Our Lady of Victories Catholic School

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Welcome to the Year One class page

Class teacher: Miss V Earley

(Assistant Head, KS1 Leader, English and Phonics Leader)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs J Davidson

SEN support: Mrs D Ling and Mrs E Juszczenko

PPA cover (Thursdays): Mrs A Ellison

Important information about Year One

* Book bags and reading books need to be in school everyday. 

Please read with your child as regularly as possible. The more they practice, the more confident and fluent your child will become. We love to read your comments so please write in your child's reading  record how they have done with their reading at home. Reading records need to be signed before books are changed.

* Our PE day is Friday. Please ensure your child has their PE in school. This consists of a plain white t shirt, plain blue shorts and black pumps. Please make sure that each item of clothing in named clearly. 

* Please send in a named, water bottle for your child to keep in class. The children in Year One have access to water throughout the day. 

* The school raffle takes place on a Friday. Tickets are 20 pence each or £1 a strip. 

* Tuck shop also takes place on a Friday. Items are 50 pence each. 

 Our class saint

Our class saint is St Francis of Assisi

St FrancisSt Francis's feast day is 4th October.

St Francis is the patron saint of the environment, animals and birds. 

With Year Two we led an assembly and told everyone in school about St Francis. We drew pictures of our favourite animals and shared ideas about how we can look after God's world. 

Our class prayer

As a class we thought about all the things that we wanted to say thank you for as well as the things that we wanted God to help us with this year. We wrote our class prayer together and we say it during our worships. 

Our learning

Please see below for information on learning in Year One, as well as ways to further support your child at home.

Our Learning: Key Stage One Curriculum Overview

ks1 curriculum overview 2024 25.pdf


Our Learning: photographs

 We love learning in Maths


 We are Scientists



Phonics and English

Our chosen phonics scheme is Supersonic Phonic Friends. Your child will have begun learning phonics in Reception and will continue to do so throughout Key Stage One. 

  • These are the sounds that your child will learn during Year One and into Year Two

    basic 2 and 3 sounds.pdf


    choose to use and switch it sounds.pdf


  • These are tricky words (words not supported by phonics). Your child will need to be able to read them with speed and spell them correctly when writing. 

    tricky word mat non cursive 1.pdf


  • Words that your child will need to read and write by the end of Year One

    year 1 common exception words.pdf


